Snapchat Unveils New Generative AI-Powered AR Features

Snap is expanding the boundaries of augmented reality (AR) with new features powered by its generative AI technology. The goal of these developments is to enable AR developers and Snapchat users to produce more imaginative and captivating AR experiences. With this, the well-known social media app is poised to change “what’s possible in augmented reality” and fundamentally alter how people use their smartphones to interact with their surroundings. In the upcoming months, Lenses using this generative model will be visible to Snapchat users. By the end of the year, it also intends to make the new Gen AI model available to creators.

Real-time innovations

Snapchat is the most recent tech company to use generative AI models. It already gives users access to imaginative and interactive lenses through augmented reality. That being said, this is the first time the business has included GenAI. With Snap’s new suite of real-time generative AI (GenAI) tools, users can quickly and easily create vibrant augmented reality experiences. This significant accomplishment was made possible by advances in the optimization of GenAI methods to operate more quickly and effectively on mobile platforms. With the help of Snap’s technology, users can describe an intended augmented reality transformation and watch it materialize on their screen immediately. This could lead to a more smooth and engaging augmented reality experience for Snapchat users.

Researchers and engineers at Snap are responsible for the advancements that have made it possible to run Gen AI models on mobile devices. To enable real-time augmented reality experiences on smartphones, they must concentrate on optimizing GenAI techniques for faster performance and lower resource consumption. Bitmoji Backgrounds, Chat Wallpapers, Dreams, AI Pets, and AI Lenses are all powered by Snap’s GenAI technology.

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GenAI Tools for Developers and Creators

Snap is also launching a new GenAI Suite inside Lens Studio, its AR creation tool, in addition to user-facing innovations. This gives AR developers the ability to create unique machine-learning assets and models that are intended to power their Lenses. By removing the need to create models from scratch, the GenAI Suite can drastically cut down on development time, possibly saving weeks or even months of labor. This makes it possible for developers to concentrate on producing excellent AR experiences more quickly.

Snap partnered with London’s National Portrait Gallery to create Lenses inspired by recognizable portrait styles as an illustration of the creative possibilities provided by the Gen AI suite. By using these Lenses, Snapchat users can produce Snaps that showcase these artistic styles, which they can then upload to the museum’s “Living Portrait” projection wall. This partnership demonstrates how Gen AI Suite can encourage artistic expression among those involved in AR development.

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Image credit- Snapchat

Its latest Lens Studio 5.0 release includes the GenAI Suite, which was created from the ground up for increased speed, modularity, and productivity. With the help of these new tools, teams working on AR projects, developers, and creators can now customize Lens Studio’s development process and expand its functionality. Snap puts itself at the forefront of AR innovation with these developments. The company hopes that the Snapchat community will embrace these new tools and express its excitement about the creative potential they unlock.

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About Netra

Netra is a Dual Masters graduate in International Business and Marketing. She is a content-writing enthusiast and a social media addict. In her downtime, you will find her headbanging to Pop songs from around the world. She is also a sports fanatic and especially loves F1, Volleyball, and Cricket. Her hobbies are baking and watching Anime.

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