Air India’s creative and media mandate was awarded to IPG-owned media investment company IPG Mediabrands following a months-long pitch last year. Initiative, a company of IPG Mediabrands, will handle the account. The media planning and buying group’s victory gave advertising holding company IPG more bragging rights, especially because Initiative’s creative partner McCann Worldgroup India secured Air India’s global creative mandate in 2023.
The mandate assigned McCann Worldgroup India the task of revitalizing the heritage airline brand’s advertising and communication after a drawn-out pitch process last year. A new brand platform and an extensive array of multi-channel marketing communications have been developed by the agency. With an account value in the hundreds of crores, Air India is among the most prestigious and substantial in the nation as the airline brand experiences a significant metamorphosis. One of the most well-known brands in the country is Air India.
The Tata Group has been working to unify all of its airline operations under Air India. The salt-to-software company purchased Air India for INR 18,000 crore in 2021 as part of government disinvestment. Early in March 2024, Vistara, a joint venture between Tata Group and Singapore Airlines, and Air India were approved for merger by Singapore’s competition watchdog.
Read More: Verve Media Gains Digital Mandate for Dubai-based Marketplace, Laadlee