Nazara Technologies, a leading player in online gaming, has announced that it has partnered with four renowned Indian game studios to release five games in India, categorized as casual and mid-core. The initiative aligns with the gaming industry’s promotion of the Made in India vision. The news comes nearly two months after Nazara unveiled its new publishing division.
Nazara Technologies has chosen five creative games for publication as part of the partnership, offering Indian game developers strong support and distinctive experiences.
The new Nazara SDK’s cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) tools, which are integrated throughout Nazara Tech’s publishing division, will foster the expansion and advancement of game developers. This calculated action is in line with the company’s objective of developing homegrown talent and assisting in the expansion of the gaming sector in the nation.
Nazara Technologies launched Nazara Publishing, its publishing division, in October intending to leverage India’s growing potential as a global center for gaming. The gaming major intends to collaborate with international developers to localize and distribute games created in India, as well as publish games created by Indian developers worldwide through this division. Game developers in India and around the world have responded very well to Nazara Publishing since its founding. The Indian gaming major provides both monetary investment and all-encompassing assistance, which includes user acquisition, mentoring, and live operation knowledge.
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The company stated that during the next 12 to 18 months, it intends to release up to 20 games for mobile, Web3, virtual reality (VR), and PC, with an investment ranging from INR 1 crore to INR 3 crore per game. Additionally, Nazara Technologies will help developers with game design, localization, data analytics, beta testing, quality assurance, and strong distribution through strategic platform partnerships and user acquisition expenditures. Industry leaders and experts, such as Akshat Rathee, co-founder of Nodwin Gaming, Sudhir Kamath, founder of Nazara Technologies, and founder of Nazara Technologies, Nitish Mittersain, will be available as mentors to developers.
Additionally, the business has established a specific website for game developers who are interested in working with Nazara to publish their works on PC, VR, Web3, and mobile devices. Through platform partnerships, it will help developers with game design, localization, data analytics capabilities, quality assurance, beta testing, advanced monetization, and prudent user acquisition spending in addition to strong distribution.
Speaking about the new alliance, Nitish Mittersain, Jt. Managing Director and CEO of Nazara Technologies expressed his excitement about the partnership and emphasized the company’s dedication to providing Indian game developers with strong support and distinctive gaming experiences. Additionally, he said that the Nazara Publishing unit will support the advancement of game developers with the new Nazara SDK’s cutting-edge AI-led tools. The company operates a gaming and sports media platform and is present in India as well as other emerging global markets like North America and Africa.
Nazara Technologies has strengthened its product line in recent years by strategically acquiring businesses such as SportsKeeda, Nodwin, and others. Additionally, the business raised its majority ownership of mobile game developer Nextwave earlier this year. The success of Nazara Technologies can be attributed to its flexibility, strategic vision, and in-depth knowledge of the Indian gaming market.
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