Digital Marketing Strategies Fail Due To Fake Bots And Manipulated Data.

Digitalization in Marketing strategies has increased the demand for high inputs and better results from Digital Marketing Strategies. The game has changed and it’s no more about the number of likes and views, it’s about the engagement of the right audience with the content. A tremendous increase in marketing platforms has increased the demand for a target-oriented, and result-driven marketing.

As Peter Parker principle states: With great powers comes great responsibilities! the increase in marketing platforms, has increased the challenges to get the ideal data. Intensifying the challenges, Bots are manipulating customers’ data which the companies are extracting from various sources. These include data generated by the landing pages.

Marketing firms are struggling to distinguish between the data filled by humans and advanced bots. This leads to a rise in demand for developing technologies that can help marketing firms to resolve this issue.

Data manipulation isn’t the only thing that bothers! Countless people are investing their crucial money daily on digital marketing tools. They do this to gain marketing benefits. Each interaction with the customer costs them. Every interaction counts! Even if it’s with a bot.

A person running global campaigns, by utilizing Digital Marketing Strategies like landing pages analyzed the conversion rate. He observed that the traffic he’s attracting on his page is great! Yet, the conversion is grieving. The extensive analysis helped him to discover that around 37% of his page data is Bot-driven and fake. Meaning that a 37% share of his spendings went to total waste and became irrelevant. Don’t you consider this an unfair or fraud practice with those who are investing their money in digital marketing?

This doesn’t end here! The marketing team chases fake data received from the internet, resulting in loss of productivity and wastage of crucial time. The time and wasted efforts of teams are equivalent to companies’ money and resources. Companies can utilize these resources to provide better services to their customers.

How to avoid this crisis and find a resolution to this mounting problem?

Most importantly, instead of curing ie. differentiating data based on its authenticity, we should apply a preventative approach. Therefore, In other words, we should stop the bot from entering the marketing domains. Marketing teams likely don’t have the luxury of time which they can spend on examining data.

For instance, marketers should be equipped to examine the behavior and authenticity of a user session. This will very likely help them to monitor the behavioral dissimilarities between a well-bred bot and a genuine human. Firstly, these tactics can be applied to different campaigns, and the collection of fake data from the internet can be prevented. Secondly, with special techniques, methods, and similar additive challenges Bot should be stopped from filling web forms. In conclusion, this will not only help in maintaining the authenticity of data but similarly, it will also help in saving the money of the customers.

The results of digital marketing campaigns are effective only if humans are at the receiving end. Therefore, the development of industries and the evolution of new markets demand techniques that most importantly help in delivering the message to the right audience further, eliminating bots interference. By doing this they can obtain better results by keeping marketing humane not only today but even in the future.

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About Shatanjeev

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